Friday, May 29, 2009

To the one Majority: A Country that Dares to be Great -

NO NATION in this world is meant to be mediocre. For a mediocre nation is a nation without a vision; born to a people left without their dreaming.

Dark may our recent history been for the last two thousand years as the ebb and flow tides of war and peace gave us witness to the rise of the most cruel tyrannies and the most abominable acts of inhumanity that caused the demise of entire civilizations not entirely evil in themselves not because our humanity as a whole is evil but because war itself as a whole is an evil beast.

The spirit of war and the gravity of its descent has defined for our inhabited earth, the landscape of our sacred remembrances and from the ashes of those many fallen of our nations, kindred to our shared humanity, and the memory of those nations themselves who have become lost to us, the nations of every present time have like the Phoenix arisen, one by one, born and bred in the pains of battle, crying out to the one Sovereign of all nations for a freedom that is necessary, each one dreaming that persistent dream within our native humanity; of a happiness that is lasting, even one that is everlasting; a vision of happiness gathered from a freedom that binds unto peace and unto the prosperity of peace; a freedom born from those choices distinct from that freedom which binds unto war and unto the oppression of war.

For it is not the ambition of Mankind to be happy. This happiness is the ambition of God and the divine mandate of all of heaven. For that happiness which is the ancient pursuit of Mankind is never a happiness which is within our reach in this present world.

Happiness being one of the highest motives that our humanity possess, must be a happiness defined by the greatest of all human ambition which is freedom and freedom being the noblest of all human causes is not false which leads the seeking in our humanity to the realization of freedom itself along the way of truth that is sought and the remembrance of true things.

This freedom IS the central cause of our nations and this cause is never a mediocre cause.

For upon this cause of freedom, we find at every present time, our nations and their responsible states, singularly engaged in each their vital undertaking of Country, striving with blood, sweat and tears to build up the earth, as commanded by our LORD and enrich our common markets by defining through the experience of common community, the bonds of sacred trust that makes each of us belong to each other as nations distinct from each other within and amongst the one family of the nations of Mankind.

And as these nations, each with our own responsible limits and boundaries, lineages of Country, and particular vision and path toward common destiny, we have been established since the cause of our freedom was from the gates of our faded Eden established by the changeless will of Almighty God, our one common Creator.

Therefore, it is truth indeed that each of our nations, inaugurated as one covenant whole through the holy Patriarch Noah, have but one eternal ambition: To make all men, women and children of needful Mankind free.

This is our necessary freedom. It defines the path of each our nations as a covenant family of Mankind joined together as a community of wholes upon wholes, each as their own particular undertaking of Country moving in time in the now, from present to present hope, and fighting from outcome to outcome, across the lines and the lineages of our generations towards the awakening of that dream of happiness that makes the heart of our humanity truly free.

And as citizens so that we may understand to love more brightly our Republic endeavor, we must know that it is love and the things that belong to love (kindness, compassion and virtue) that is the cause by which we, as individual human beings, are made free.

For in embracing what is in love sought, we are come to a remembrance of the truth of ourselves as human beings and so learn to give and to share in God's giving that our hearts may come to an individual understanding that it is in the giving that we truly become free.

For all our nations, and for two thousand years, we have in the shadow of those preceding ages seen in our collective history the stark contrast between darkness and light, war and peace and like the sharp relief between stars and the night sky, if we realize in ourselves the importance of placing ourselves in the landscape of each our own sacred remembrances of Country knowing now that what we choose this day, and every day, as individual citizens, no matter how little it may all seem to us, matters much to help make the dreaming in our nations great - if not for the first time, yet again and even more so this time around.

For no nation in this world is meant to be mediocre and we are a nation entrusted with a vision; born to a people who dares in our dreaming greatly, to defy the beast of war.

Now, please refer to this entry: The Electorate and the Force of Free Choice.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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