A SIMPLE MEDITATION, Beloved of God, that I enjoin us, each and every one, to achieve together at the threshold of the year of our LORD, 2009, is to await with glad expectation, in the silence of our hearts - alone with the Alone and intimate with the Intimate - that daybreak twilight leading up to the bright new morning of the first day of the rest of our lives - at a time, times and half-a-time. This would be the first dawn of the 1st of January 2009 - so please observe the last few dawnings of the last few days of this year as an exercise in preparation for this great dawning in our heart of hearts, my beloved friend and precious companion.
For I enjoin us all, from wherever we are and as whoever we are - at a time, times and half-a-time - to observe together, with much prayer and vigilance of heart, during that one complete rotation of our one planet, our one whole collective turning away from the midnight darkness of the past into the labor of hope that we shall all be committed to God and to each other to work and to strive for - for greater peace in our world, length to our days, substance to our hearts and blessings to the generations to come - all towards a better world for all men, women and children of all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
On Further Understanding the Kampilan of the one Majority
Please refer to: The Kampilan of the one Majority
I realize that it is recorded in history that the Kampilan is the sword that slew Ferdinand Magellan and that those who are endeared to his memory might feel excluded from the universal substance that make the Kampilan of the one Majority a symbol that is meaningful to every and all human souls - as I have intended this sword to represent.
But if we have learned anything of the recent 2000 years, the past is shadow, a mixture of light and darkness, and that it is the burden of the present - of the generations, X and Y, and of those elder generations so inclined, of a time, times and half-a-time, to discern between the two and make the absolute and irreversible choice to remain with either one.
Now, as for the numberless Stars of our Father Abraham, we shall each and every one of us, stand for the light - and be the promise of God to sanctify the hope of our nations and be the vanguard that shall lead the way of our peoples eastward - towards peace, towards the shores of forever - away from war and the ambition of war.
It is in light of all of this that the honor symbolized by the Kampilan of the one Majority is conceived and so it is in this same light that the meaningfulness of it must be perceived.
The Kampilan of the one Majority is a new creation - for this sword thirsts not for the blood of men - this sword is a guard against the darkness of war; its exacting edge is a sharpness meant to sever from the truth, the lying tongue of war.
It is a weapon of increase. Its history is written in the lives it shall save from war and the souls it shall deliver from the dark ambition of war.
It is not a weapon that stirs for war - it is as the sword spoken of by our Lord Christ, an extension of the light of those souls that by truth of their own virtue, save from despair, the truth that lives in other people's lives.
It exists as a symbol of the defense the one peace - till war exists no more.
Thus is the honorary sword of the one Majority to be understood.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
I realize that it is recorded in history that the Kampilan is the sword that slew Ferdinand Magellan and that those who are endeared to his memory might feel excluded from the universal substance that make the Kampilan of the one Majority a symbol that is meaningful to every and all human souls - as I have intended this sword to represent.
But if we have learned anything of the recent 2000 years, the past is shadow, a mixture of light and darkness, and that it is the burden of the present - of the generations, X and Y, and of those elder generations so inclined, of a time, times and half-a-time, to discern between the two and make the absolute and irreversible choice to remain with either one.
Now, as for the numberless Stars of our Father Abraham, we shall each and every one of us, stand for the light - and be the promise of God to sanctify the hope of our nations and be the vanguard that shall lead the way of our peoples eastward - towards peace, towards the shores of forever - away from war and the ambition of war.
It is in light of all of this that the honor symbolized by the Kampilan of the one Majority is conceived and so it is in this same light that the meaningfulness of it must be perceived.
The Kampilan of the one Majority is a new creation - for this sword thirsts not for the blood of men - this sword is a guard against the darkness of war; its exacting edge is a sharpness meant to sever from the truth, the lying tongue of war.
It is a weapon of increase. Its history is written in the lives it shall save from war and the souls it shall deliver from the dark ambition of war.
It is not a weapon that stirs for war - it is as the sword spoken of by our Lord Christ, an extension of the light of those souls that by truth of their own virtue, save from despair, the truth that lives in other people's lives.
It exists as a symbol of the defense the one peace - till war exists no more.
Thus is the honorary sword of the one Majority to be understood.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Some Thoughts on Health Care
I JUST CAUGHT A PROGRAM on cable last night - I think it was Michael Moore's - about the health care system in the US. Now, given the political leanings of Mr. Moore, I would usually take these things in stride but I have seen another episode which was a feature on a current affairs program (I could not remember now which one, I think its 60 minutes) that highlighted the same problems - that the US health care system is broken. But I did not know how broken until I heard the nameless voices of those of whom this system's brokenness had become a burden and a scourge.
Since our own Country, my fellow Filipino compatriot, one of many emerging nation-states (as I do not like the word "third world" as if there were other shared human realities than this one inhabited earth - among the one family of nations, there are emerging (young) nation-states, maturing (intermediate) nation-states and there are elder (shepherd) nation-states; a perfected or ascended nation-state only exists in eternity), is thinking of introducing, or have already introduced a formal health care program for our citizens, it would behoove this generation of Filipinos to learn from the mistakes of the American experiment and also sympathize with the plight of her orphaned people - hoping, constantly hoping for better days for all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Heath is not a product. Industry may use human labor or man hours in cost accounting but the human being itself can not be considered material. The common market is not the steward of either the state or the nation; that would put material things in control of human destiny - an insufferable tyranny that shall ultimately suffocate and destroy those freedoms that guarantee the pursuit of human happiness - for all people - for all times. Even those with currency and influence enough to be covered by this entirely market-driven health care system must know, here and now, that this kind of system will not recognize their own humanity should the tables of a fickle world be turned against their fortune and/or the vitality of their lives be overthrown by the uncertainties of our poor world.
Health is a right - it is without exception a God-given right of all human persons, and is a right entrusted to the care and concern of the human community - both the nation and its honorable state - to which that person belongs to as an integral part of that national community's particular endeavor of Country.
It is vital that we learn our lessons here as well. For a nation-state, true to her divine calling, has no other greater treasure than the life of her people.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Please refer to entry: Some Thoughts: Universal Healthcare
Since our own Country, my fellow Filipino compatriot, one of many emerging nation-states (as I do not like the word "third world" as if there were other shared human realities than this one inhabited earth - among the one family of nations, there are emerging (young) nation-states, maturing (intermediate) nation-states and there are elder (shepherd) nation-states; a perfected or ascended nation-state only exists in eternity), is thinking of introducing, or have already introduced a formal health care program for our citizens, it would behoove this generation of Filipinos to learn from the mistakes of the American experiment and also sympathize with the plight of her orphaned people - hoping, constantly hoping for better days for all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Heath is not a product. Industry may use human labor or man hours in cost accounting but the human being itself can not be considered material. The common market is not the steward of either the state or the nation; that would put material things in control of human destiny - an insufferable tyranny that shall ultimately suffocate and destroy those freedoms that guarantee the pursuit of human happiness - for all people - for all times. Even those with currency and influence enough to be covered by this entirely market-driven health care system must know, here and now, that this kind of system will not recognize their own humanity should the tables of a fickle world be turned against their fortune and/or the vitality of their lives be overthrown by the uncertainties of our poor world.
Health is a right - it is without exception a God-given right of all human persons, and is a right entrusted to the care and concern of the human community - both the nation and its honorable state - to which that person belongs to as an integral part of that national community's particular endeavor of Country.
It is vital that we learn our lessons here as well. For a nation-state, true to her divine calling, has no other greater treasure than the life of her people.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Please refer to entry: Some Thoughts: Universal Healthcare
Sunday, December 7, 2008
On Benignity: The Fourth of the Four Faithful Causes
THE FOUR FAITHFUL CAUSES are the four greatest ascendant truths that are aligned from least to greatest that define for the one Majority the necessary way ahead.
These four faithful causes are the absolute diametric opposites of the manifold and diverse causes that are by their own nature and gravity, dark and descendant, and therefore, not faithful to the relevance of the one peace upon which is established the foundation truths of this secular community.
BENIGNITY is the practice of goodness. Therefore, this cause must concern itself with the preferential treatment and care of minorities.
There shall always exist within our midst, a minority, and this is very adequately and substantially expressed both in sacred revelation as well as through the reality of our common human experience by the instrumentality's of the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the prisoner, the weak, the defenseless, the unborn, the ignorant, the disabled, the displaced, the dispossessed, the outcasts, etc.
What the majority does to the minority dictates their fidelity to the fourth faithful cause, a cause that determines how a nation's own soul learns to recognize the good in itself and therefore, understands the common good well enough to know how to defend it from foreign things not native to its inception.
Upon this cause and in the giving that is required are founded the ability of a nation to prosper in the commonweal that is the primary engine that drives wealth generation in every true and substantial endeavor of Country in our present age.
For the minority exist to exercise the people in the practice of goodness. Yet if the minority is not accommodated for or if they are ignored, how then can the impartial observer say that this one people know how to tell good from evil, and how then can that one nation establish in its trust, the common good of the one whole people within its sphere of awareness. If good is not recognized, if benignity is not a cause worthy of certain peoples, then surely, none of their labor will ever go beyond the prison of the false self and for this reason, they shall never attain to the one peace nor reap the real hope, in time and dimensional space, of both material and spiritual riches, of blessings that bless the spirit of many generations, of many wonders of unimaginable good things to come in this life and in the new life that is to come, that is found in the promise of every true endeavor of Country; every true undertaking that seeks to elevate the dignity of the human person and advance the good of the human community is a labor of both serving and defending the one peace, within and without, which is our original human estate.
Our Lord's poor, although a virtual majority in our world of today, is always a constant minority and shall always remain with us till the passing away of the old into the new as opportunities to materially prosper by imbuing a right sense of justice to the spread of material things and spiritually expand into greater and greater realms of authentic human freedoms by imbuing a right sense of common ownership to all the universal hopes shared by all us, needful human beings.
Indeed, the nameless minority of every nation, born of every God-given distinction and divinely endowed with truths of their own self-being, vulnerable and little though they may seem, have in their own right, a place in the greater economy of things unseen and within the reality of the one peace, they hold a real place in time and a true purpose in dimensional space that shall serve to either bless or curse any endeavor of Country with either the chains of the same poverty that they scorned or the wings of the same giving that they gave.
The key that unlocks the next of the three other ascendant and faithful causes, the cause of the nation which is harmony, must first be won by our attaining to the cause of the minority. And when this door is opened, its own reality will become apparent to the soul of the nation that has merited passage into it.
To ignore it, when the purpose of its time has expired and the iron doors of Country has shut forever, allows those that still remain to freely remain in the spirit of war and remain trapped within the descendant gravity of the darkness that pulls into the void of itself into division, discord, dissolution and disintegration with the Devil and his reprobate hosts all sin and war into an oblivion that at the end of time is so densely packed and so massively heavy, so unbearably offensive and so unbelievably binding, so greatly pressing and crushing against as the blackest of the blackest of tar concentrated into one, tiny hopeless singularity burning intensely with the fire of all the rage and the hatred of evils past, being completely abandoned by the one society of all the choirs of angels and the one family of all the nations of mankind, being forsaken by our LORD and eventually forgotten by our continuous Creator's one community of everliving life, spread like golden, shining, everliving stars across the blue of our one native celestial sky which is that timeless, infinite firmament that embraces in Its loving Presence and parental Awareness as a single reality indeed, both the unseen heaven of the angels and the seen earth of our humanity, allowing us all the infinite opportunity and unending society to eventually grow up into the fullness of our ages, by their own free choice.
And this too, by sacred revelation and the self-evident light of two thousand years of human experience is not a choice that is unrealistic for it not to have any accountability whatsoever for its own course in due time. For how could the gathering be if there were none left to come? Time, times and half a time.
Therefore, the one Majority exists in a common alliance with the one Solidarity to safeguard this hope.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
These four faithful causes are the absolute diametric opposites of the manifold and diverse causes that are by their own nature and gravity, dark and descendant, and therefore, not faithful to the relevance of the one peace upon which is established the foundation truths of this secular community.
BENIGNITY is the practice of goodness. Therefore, this cause must concern itself with the preferential treatment and care of minorities.
There shall always exist within our midst, a minority, and this is very adequately and substantially expressed both in sacred revelation as well as through the reality of our common human experience by the instrumentality's of the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the prisoner, the weak, the defenseless, the unborn, the ignorant, the disabled, the displaced, the dispossessed, the outcasts, etc.
What the majority does to the minority dictates their fidelity to the fourth faithful cause, a cause that determines how a nation's own soul learns to recognize the good in itself and therefore, understands the common good well enough to know how to defend it from foreign things not native to its inception.
Upon this cause and in the giving that is required are founded the ability of a nation to prosper in the commonweal that is the primary engine that drives wealth generation in every true and substantial endeavor of Country in our present age.
For the minority exist to exercise the people in the practice of goodness. Yet if the minority is not accommodated for or if they are ignored, how then can the impartial observer say that this one people know how to tell good from evil, and how then can that one nation establish in its trust, the common good of the one whole people within its sphere of awareness. If good is not recognized, if benignity is not a cause worthy of certain peoples, then surely, none of their labor will ever go beyond the prison of the false self and for this reason, they shall never attain to the one peace nor reap the real hope, in time and dimensional space, of both material and spiritual riches, of blessings that bless the spirit of many generations, of many wonders of unimaginable good things to come in this life and in the new life that is to come, that is found in the promise of every true endeavor of Country; every true undertaking that seeks to elevate the dignity of the human person and advance the good of the human community is a labor of both serving and defending the one peace, within and without, which is our original human estate.
Our Lord's poor, although a virtual majority in our world of today, is always a constant minority and shall always remain with us till the passing away of the old into the new as opportunities to materially prosper by imbuing a right sense of justice to the spread of material things and spiritually expand into greater and greater realms of authentic human freedoms by imbuing a right sense of common ownership to all the universal hopes shared by all us, needful human beings.
Indeed, the nameless minority of every nation, born of every God-given distinction and divinely endowed with truths of their own self-being, vulnerable and little though they may seem, have in their own right, a place in the greater economy of things unseen and within the reality of the one peace, they hold a real place in time and a true purpose in dimensional space that shall serve to either bless or curse any endeavor of Country with either the chains of the same poverty that they scorned or the wings of the same giving that they gave.
The key that unlocks the next of the three other ascendant and faithful causes, the cause of the nation which is harmony, must first be won by our attaining to the cause of the minority. And when this door is opened, its own reality will become apparent to the soul of the nation that has merited passage into it.
To ignore it, when the purpose of its time has expired and the iron doors of Country has shut forever, allows those that still remain to freely remain in the spirit of war and remain trapped within the descendant gravity of the darkness that pulls into the void of itself into division, discord, dissolution and disintegration with the Devil and his reprobate hosts all sin and war into an oblivion that at the end of time is so densely packed and so massively heavy, so unbearably offensive and so unbelievably binding, so greatly pressing and crushing against as the blackest of the blackest of tar concentrated into one, tiny hopeless singularity burning intensely with the fire of all the rage and the hatred of evils past, being completely abandoned by the one society of all the choirs of angels and the one family of all the nations of mankind, being forsaken by our LORD and eventually forgotten by our continuous Creator's one community of everliving life, spread like golden, shining, everliving stars across the blue of our one native celestial sky which is that timeless, infinite firmament that embraces in Its loving Presence and parental Awareness as a single reality indeed, both the unseen heaven of the angels and the seen earth of our humanity, allowing us all the infinite opportunity and unending society to eventually grow up into the fullness of our ages, by their own free choice.
And this too, by sacred revelation and the self-evident light of two thousand years of human experience is not a choice that is unrealistic for it not to have any accountability whatsoever for its own course in due time. For how could the gathering be if there were none left to come? Time, times and half a time.
Therefore, the one Majority exists in a common alliance with the one Solidarity to safeguard this hope.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Between the one Solidarity and the one Majority
ONE CAN ONLY CHOOSE to devote one's exclusive service to either the one Solidarity (the peace within) or the one Majority (the peace without).
Both of these callings serve to better and advance the one, indivisible and ascendant peace of our LORD but each of them constitute two separate and distinct paths upon the one mountain of our one LORD.
Now, it takes a more than a lifetime to conquer one road alone and as each of us in turn are granted only one life to live, we who are no longer lukewarm must choose.
Therefore, each of us must prayerfully consider and choose which path our hearts must take in order for us to aspire to ascend to the summit of the one mountain of our glorious LORD, walking upon eagle's wings of God's grace, and bring down the peace of heaven into our lives, and from our lives into our times and from our times into our poor world.
As for me, I have, am and shall always belong to the apostolate of the Peace of my All, the one Solidarity and it's mission which I utterly comprehend must be kept completely insulated from secular politics.
I and the apostolate however, will continually nurture the spirit of the one Majority, through prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Both of these callings serve to better and advance the one, indivisible and ascendant peace of our LORD but each of them constitute two separate and distinct paths upon the one mountain of our one LORD.
Now, it takes a more than a lifetime to conquer one road alone and as each of us in turn are granted only one life to live, we who are no longer lukewarm must choose.
Therefore, each of us must prayerfully consider and choose which path our hearts must take in order for us to aspire to ascend to the summit of the one mountain of our glorious LORD, walking upon eagle's wings of God's grace, and bring down the peace of heaven into our lives, and from our lives into our times and from our times into our poor world.
As for me, I have, am and shall always belong to the apostolate of the Peace of my All, the one Solidarity and it's mission which I utterly comprehend must be kept completely insulated from secular politics.
I and the apostolate however, will continually nurture the spirit of the one Majority, through prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The Exercise of Forbearance: An Example
REGARDING THE IMPEACHMENT PROCESS which is right now being pushed by some interested parties, whether their grievance be legitimate or not it is not for me to decide, but forbearance (the 5th of our Social Exercises - meant to strengthen social values) asks that we prioritize our energies to serve the most immediate needs of our people.
There will always be evil in our midst but we must also sometimes be able and willing to absorb some of these in order to pursue a greater good - that is the the exercise of forbearance - it is a willingness to sacrifice as well as be sacrificed in order to attain to a higher good - and there is no other higher good than looking after the good of the very least of our citizens (the 4th Faithful Cause).
The world is in the middle of a financial crisis and this plays into GMA's inherent strength as an economist. 2010 is just around the corner and it seems to me really both impractical and wasteful, even whimsical to pursue a process of which ends shall anyway be realized if one were to practice a little more constraint more than do violence to our political process as a whole at a time when we should be thinking of ways to shore up our economy which shall surely be impacted by the cascading effects of the global market meltdown.
Of course, that is wholly my own democratic opinion as a citizen of this one Republic.
There will always be evil in our midst but we must also sometimes be able and willing to absorb some of these in order to pursue a greater good - that is the the exercise of forbearance - it is a willingness to sacrifice as well as be sacrificed in order to attain to a higher good - and there is no other higher good than looking after the good of the very least of our citizens (the 4th Faithful Cause).
The world is in the middle of a financial crisis and this plays into GMA's inherent strength as an economist. 2010 is just around the corner and it seems to me really both impractical and wasteful, even whimsical to pursue a process of which ends shall anyway be realized if one were to practice a little more constraint more than do violence to our political process as a whole at a time when we should be thinking of ways to shore up our economy which shall surely be impacted by the cascading effects of the global market meltdown.
Of course, that is wholly my own democratic opinion as a citizen of this one Republic.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Kampilan of the one Majority
The Kampilan is to be adapted as the honorary sword of the one Majority.
It symbolizes the exacting sharpness of the truth; truth that sunders the chains that bind our shared humanity to the lie that makes desolate our nations; truth that makes whole and sets free.
For the Kampilan that is wielded by the one Majority symbolizes peace; the one, ascendant peace that absolutely withstands war. It does not, shall not and will never symbolize war and the descendant gravity of war's ambition.
This honorary sword is to be awarded to honorary Filipino citizens, and natural-born or naturalized Filipino citizens who serve with nobility and distinction the cause of the one, indivisible peace.
Honorary citizenship unlike natural and naturalized citizenship can be stripped should the sacred honor that bind together the person and the particular distinction bestowed in good will by the one Majority be irreversibly violated.
I do not like identifying particulars but I shall make an exception here for the sake of good example. Let us take a certain R. M. who was correctly stripped of his knighthood by H.R.M. Elizabeth II, in the context of how we consider citizenship in this meditation, the dignity of that man has plummeted as astronomically as the inflation that he has helped cause in his own Country (not to mention all the deaths, past, present and future, to which he and his accomplices shall, as a leader of a nation, be held fully accountable for by the Justice of God in heaven with or without the help of the courts of the nations of mankind; death itself shall be the equation that shall square with all those who think that either the dust of the earth or the void of time can hide them from the Justice of God in heaven) and at present - in the context of our meditation on citizenship - is not worth the dignity of one, true Zimbabwean citizen, let alone any honorary title worth it's salt as British knighthood or the Kampilan of the one Majority.
In contrast, natural and naturalized citizenship can never be stripped, but it's distinction and therefore, the actual value of it's dignity as it is significantly recognized by the national community as a whole is completely dependent on how and how much the call of citizenship is answered by that particular individual.
Natural and naturalized Filipino citizenship is lifelong but it's true merit is directly reliant on active and lifelong participation in our common endeavor of Country.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Please refer to entry: On the Call of Citizenship
Friday, October 24, 2008
On Secularism
IN THE GOSPELS, our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, explicitly recognizes the secular that makes cohesive the universal peace (Pax Romana) that during His time, served to foster the discipline and the well-being of the communities of the empire, albeit imperfectly and vincibly: "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God."
This is the secularism that the one Majority believes in and stands for:
"E PLURIBUS UNUM" - this is the quintessential equation that, I personally believe, most succinctly defines the true essence of secularism - egalitarian pluralism.
The Founding Fathers of the American Republic must have understood in this well-known American motto that in order to unify the physical geography of the American Colonies, they would first have to unify the geography of the Republic as it exists in the hearts of the people.
And so this motto, "from the many, one", must have had that twofold dimension in it's meaning and this meaning can only be rendered meaningful if the secular equation of which this motto represents is understood to be this, an egalitarian kind of pluralism and not a militant form of atheism, fundamentalism or religious extremism.
Secularism is not the denial but the admission of our shared humanity and the common needs that define our being human.
Secularism therefore, as a recognition of our hope, is a turning towards ourselves and not a moving away from ourselves.
It is the pragmatic expression of the ideal of political inclusivity that embraces dimensions common to our shared humanity and fosters social harmony through universality of the civic values that underpin the unity of the national community.
It works to completely exclude within the body politic the natural animus that is organic to lesser lines of departures, whether tribal, familial or religious, that it explicitly recognizes as hostile to the ideal social fabric that fosters the peace of secular communities.
Let me emphasize once again that it is the animus or the spirit of conflict that the secular peace recognizes as hostile to the human endeavor of Country and not it's victims - honorable religion and suffering humanity.
Let us meditate more deeply in the quiet of our souls about the essence of the separation of Church (honorable religion) and State.
It is this separation that is the founding juridical principle that establishes both the political vector and legislative scope of the necessary laws that define for secular cultures the abiding guidance from which they uniquely shape each of their own particular endeavor of Country according, of course, to the common experience of their own particular nations as it unfolds in exile time.
It means that the truth of the State and the truth of the Church are two distinct and separate truths, whole within themselves; each of them independent in it's being itself; each of them complete and utterly unable to increase or decrease through either praise or condemnation of human judgments cast within the context of other self-aware and self-realizing truths, as Church and State, and their vital relation to each other.
Again, it must be emphasized that the secularism that recognizes the inherent plurality of our shared humanity and is founded to make the many into one does not recognize that Church and State are hostile to each other, only that they are distinct and separate.
A true secularist recognizes in all honorable religions, without publicly and explicitly subscribing to any, a universal purpose that serves to ennoble the spirit of humankind and therefore, a utilitarian means that serve to refine the shared mores that define in exile time the evolving civic culture of our nations. He or she understand that it is the conflicts that both religion and human civilization has fought in the name of war and war's ambition and not the revealed truths that allows religion and it's particular wisdom tradition to endure nor the peace that allow human civilization to flourish in exile time that is and must be excluded from the body politic of all secular democracies.
Let us once again emphasize that secularism is a political ideal and is therefore an ethos expressed in community with other people. It is not in any way, shape or form a way of religion professed individually with other people of the same community.
I say this because I absolutely believe that secularism was never intended to foster a militant form of atheism nor must militant atheism ever be confused with secularism for secularism operates in an absolutely different dimension than atheism. Secularism shapes the civic life of the citizen whereas atheism is a religion professed in the private of an individual's personal choice to believe freely what universe may be found within the self.
The secular peace is founded on the vision of life lived in abundance and happiness pursued through justice, freedom, fraternity and understanding not on the desolation of war, the rule of war's ambition and the tyranny of fear, chaos and ignorance.
A secularist can be an atheist just the same as a secularist can be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist, etc. But secularism itself as a whole can not be atheistic nor can it's nature be considered as completely Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, or Buddhist, etc. and remain true to it's own founding principle nor can true secularism be a vehicle of the tyranny against which it's principal ideals were meant to absolutely withstand. Indeed, my precious friend and companion, all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists, etc. can be secularists but all secularists can never be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists, etc.
A secularist believes in the Providence of God (in the gifts though not necessarily in the Giver), in the absoluteness of the good (secularism is rational, driven by reason and therefore, can not be relativistic just as much as law can not be chaos), and in the unity of all good things (harmony and the synergy of a unified diversity - egalitarian pluralism) that serve the life of our shared humanity (the endeavor of Country). A secularist believes in Country and the equality of human dignity, the defense of the common good, authentic human freedom, the maintenance of the civic peace, in interdependence more than co-existence, in rising above adversity within a diversity and the harmony of forces, in the generations of shared humanity lived abundantly and fostered by tolerance and understanding of the same and therefore, opposes war and war's ambition. In this sense, the secular holds to the same line with all honorable religions (i.e. those that recognize and uphold the common good and serves the cause of sacred life) - including moderate atheism - without hypocrisy and syncretism.
I hold in my heart that my most loving Jesus would never have recognized a secularism in Caesar that is utterly and completely atheistic, much less one that is hostile to all the honorable religions of humankind. Christ would have soundly condemned atheistic secularism as being absolutely inimical to His saving work if it had emerged during the time when our Lord walked this world with us.
The Church and the State are not inimical to each other, in fact, they are interdependent truths that must align to serve the life of our shared humanity so that our generations may be fostered by the filial discipline and maternal peace of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Secular societies must realize again in themselves where the lie begins and where the truth ends and avoid crossing the threshold that turn the universality and outward benignity of it's ideal inward into confusion; imploding it's sense of harmony; igniting those wars within itself.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
This is the secularism that the one Majority believes in and stands for:
"E PLURIBUS UNUM" - this is the quintessential equation that, I personally believe, most succinctly defines the true essence of secularism - egalitarian pluralism.
The Founding Fathers of the American Republic must have understood in this well-known American motto that in order to unify the physical geography of the American Colonies, they would first have to unify the geography of the Republic as it exists in the hearts of the people.
And so this motto, "from the many, one", must have had that twofold dimension in it's meaning and this meaning can only be rendered meaningful if the secular equation of which this motto represents is understood to be this, an egalitarian kind of pluralism and not a militant form of atheism, fundamentalism or religious extremism.
Secularism is not the denial but the admission of our shared humanity and the common needs that define our being human.
Secularism therefore, as a recognition of our hope, is a turning towards ourselves and not a moving away from ourselves.
It is the pragmatic expression of the ideal of political inclusivity that embraces dimensions common to our shared humanity and fosters social harmony through universality of the civic values that underpin the unity of the national community.
It works to completely exclude within the body politic the natural animus that is organic to lesser lines of departures, whether tribal, familial or religious, that it explicitly recognizes as hostile to the ideal social fabric that fosters the peace of secular communities.
Let me emphasize once again that it is the animus or the spirit of conflict that the secular peace recognizes as hostile to the human endeavor of Country and not it's victims - honorable religion and suffering humanity.
Let us meditate more deeply in the quiet of our souls about the essence of the separation of Church (honorable religion) and State.
It is this separation that is the founding juridical principle that establishes both the political vector and legislative scope of the necessary laws that define for secular cultures the abiding guidance from which they uniquely shape each of their own particular endeavor of Country according, of course, to the common experience of their own particular nations as it unfolds in exile time.
It means that the truth of the State and the truth of the Church are two distinct and separate truths, whole within themselves; each of them independent in it's being itself; each of them complete and utterly unable to increase or decrease through either praise or condemnation of human judgments cast within the context of other self-aware and self-realizing truths, as Church and State, and their vital relation to each other.
Again, it must be emphasized that the secularism that recognizes the inherent plurality of our shared humanity and is founded to make the many into one does not recognize that Church and State are hostile to each other, only that they are distinct and separate.
A true secularist recognizes in all honorable religions, without publicly and explicitly subscribing to any, a universal purpose that serves to ennoble the spirit of humankind and therefore, a utilitarian means that serve to refine the shared mores that define in exile time the evolving civic culture of our nations. He or she understand that it is the conflicts that both religion and human civilization has fought in the name of war and war's ambition and not the revealed truths that allows religion and it's particular wisdom tradition to endure nor the peace that allow human civilization to flourish in exile time that is and must be excluded from the body politic of all secular democracies.
Let us once again emphasize that secularism is a political ideal and is therefore an ethos expressed in community with other people. It is not in any way, shape or form a way of religion professed individually with other people of the same community.
I say this because I absolutely believe that secularism was never intended to foster a militant form of atheism nor must militant atheism ever be confused with secularism for secularism operates in an absolutely different dimension than atheism. Secularism shapes the civic life of the citizen whereas atheism is a religion professed in the private of an individual's personal choice to believe freely what universe may be found within the self.
The secular peace is founded on the vision of life lived in abundance and happiness pursued through justice, freedom, fraternity and understanding not on the desolation of war, the rule of war's ambition and the tyranny of fear, chaos and ignorance.
A secularist can be an atheist just the same as a secularist can be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist, etc. But secularism itself as a whole can not be atheistic nor can it's nature be considered as completely Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, or Buddhist, etc. and remain true to it's own founding principle nor can true secularism be a vehicle of the tyranny against which it's principal ideals were meant to absolutely withstand. Indeed, my precious friend and companion, all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists, etc. can be secularists but all secularists can never be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists, etc.
A secularist believes in the Providence of God (in the gifts though not necessarily in the Giver), in the absoluteness of the good (secularism is rational, driven by reason and therefore, can not be relativistic just as much as law can not be chaos), and in the unity of all good things (harmony and the synergy of a unified diversity - egalitarian pluralism) that serve the life of our shared humanity (the endeavor of Country). A secularist believes in Country and the equality of human dignity, the defense of the common good, authentic human freedom, the maintenance of the civic peace, in interdependence more than co-existence, in rising above adversity within a diversity and the harmony of forces, in the generations of shared humanity lived abundantly and fostered by tolerance and understanding of the same and therefore, opposes war and war's ambition. In this sense, the secular holds to the same line with all honorable religions (i.e. those that recognize and uphold the common good and serves the cause of sacred life) - including moderate atheism - without hypocrisy and syncretism.
I hold in my heart that my most loving Jesus would never have recognized a secularism in Caesar that is utterly and completely atheistic, much less one that is hostile to all the honorable religions of humankind. Christ would have soundly condemned atheistic secularism as being absolutely inimical to His saving work if it had emerged during the time when our Lord walked this world with us.
The Church and the State are not inimical to each other, in fact, they are interdependent truths that must align to serve the life of our shared humanity so that our generations may be fostered by the filial discipline and maternal peace of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Secular societies must realize again in themselves where the lie begins and where the truth ends and avoid crossing the threshold that turn the universality and outward benignity of it's ideal inward into confusion; imploding it's sense of harmony; igniting those wars within itself.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Congress of Religious Harmony
The one Majority understands the vital role of religion a moral force and therefore, a guide to good government.
The Congress of Religious Harmony is conceived as a representative body of honorable world religions dedicated to religious harmony and the establishment of peaceful religious interdependence that will allow each of our religions to mutually benefit from each others wisdom traditions.
In order to democratically apply the synergistic benefits of these combined wisdom traditions to the good of the one family of the nations of mankind, the Congress of Religious Harmony shall further establish and oversee these following Interfaith Institutes:
1. Institute of Sacred Life
2. Institute of Shared Humanity
3. Institute of the Human Family
4. Institute of Human Morality
5. Institute of Common Country
6. Institute of the one Peace
7. Institute of Peaceful Advocacy
8. Institute of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind
The Congress of Religious Harmony is conceived as a representative body of honorable world religions dedicated to religious harmony and the establishment of peaceful religious interdependence that will allow each of our religions to mutually benefit from each others wisdom traditions.
In order to democratically apply the synergistic benefits of these combined wisdom traditions to the good of the one family of the nations of mankind, the Congress of Religious Harmony shall further establish and oversee these following Interfaith Institutes:
1. Institute of Sacred Life
2. Institute of Shared Humanity
3. Institute of the Human Family
4. Institute of Human Morality
5. Institute of Common Country
6. Institute of the one Peace
7. Institute of Peaceful Advocacy
8. Institute of the one Family of the Nations of Mankind
The Republic Rights of Filipino Minorities
1. Life
2. Dignity
3. Identity
4. Livelihood
5. Representation
6. Protection of Law
7. Cultural Recognition
8. Equal Participation
2. Dignity
3. Identity
4. Livelihood
5. Representation
6. Protection of Law
7. Cultural Recognition
8. Equal Participation
The Honorable Intentions
1. The Intention of Charity
2. The Intention of Hope
3. The Intention of Faith
4. The Intention of Life
5. The Intention of Law
6. The Intention of Unity
7. The Intention of Community
8. The Intention of Humanity
9. The Intention of Country
2. The Intention of Hope
3. The Intention of Faith
4. The Intention of Life
5. The Intention of Law
6. The Intention of Unity
7. The Intention of Community
8. The Intention of Humanity
9. The Intention of Country
The Social Exercises
1. The Exercise of Common Prayer
2. The Exercise of Universal Humanity
3. The Exercise of Shared Civilization
4. The Exercise of Virtue
5. The Exercise of Forbearance
6. The Exercise of Good Will
7. The Exercise of Peace
2. The Exercise of Universal Humanity
3. The Exercise of Shared Civilization
4. The Exercise of Virtue
5. The Exercise of Forbearance
6. The Exercise of Good Will
7. The Exercise of Peace
The Faithful Causes
1. The Cause of Almighty God (Sacred Life)
2. The Cause of the one Republic whole (Unity)
3. The Cause of the one Filipino nation (Harmony)
4. The Cause of Filipino Minorities (Benignity)
"The one Majority shall make it's majority decisions on behalf of the minority."
This includes the rights of the defenseless, the stranger, the orphan, the unborn, the prisoner and women's rights, especially widows.
2. The Cause of the one Republic whole (Unity)
3. The Cause of the one Filipino nation (Harmony)
4. The Cause of Filipino Minorities (Benignity)
"The one Majority shall make it's majority decisions on behalf of the minority."
This includes the rights of the defenseless, the stranger, the orphan, the unborn, the prisoner and women's rights, especially widows.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Founding Dedication
One GOD, eternally:
To our Father Abraham
and those numberless stars;
to my darlingest Miyang;
and to the all our nameless
who are nameless no more,
and to the universal spirit of
our martyred humanity -
our one eternal love
and continuing prayers.
Prosper the Peace.
Prosper the People.
To our Father Abraham
and those numberless stars;
to my darlingest Miyang;
and to the all our nameless
who are nameless no more,
and to the universal spirit of
our martyred humanity -
our one eternal love
and continuing prayers.
Prosper the Peace.
Prosper the People.
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